Episode Highlights
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Episode Highlights
.:That something else that fuels our courage as a mother of four adults sons and a wife of almost 39 years I have a few experiences to share on the way in which God shows up in our lives, both practically and mystically how do these divine encounters bolster courage .:next we will talk about expecting open doors as an entrepreneur and author you get a bride and person with how to open doors how does having a mindset of expectancy change our perspectives and create Opportunities .:following that will dive into moving that moving that we will delve into moving with what is in your hand, exploring the concept of now faith and it’s tangible substance. What can we achieve with resources and faith we already possess then we touch on the importance of asking again , emphasizing clarity, persistence, and preparation. How does persistence shape, courage, .:finally oh and you’re ready for this will hear diverse perspectives on how courage reveals the true intentions of our heart. How does understanding different viewpoints help us become more courageous so buckle up and get ready to be encouraged and ins , today’s episode is all about uncovering the more important force in our lives. One that opens doors and propels us forward let’s dive in. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” — Winston Churchill We’re going to discuss five different aspects we find in daily courage: courage, strength, God showing up practically and mystically, expecting open doors, moving with what is right there in your hand, now faith and its substance, asking again. Clarity helps with persistence and preparation and hearing perspective. Courage flashes out the intentions of the heart on both sides, all sides. Yes, clarity and flashes it out. And that is our focus for this, to help and encourage each of us that something else is more important. Let’s rescue Franklin Roosevelt: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear,” and that is our driving force. What is most important? What moves as what is the force which opens the doors that were otherwise shut? We all have many different challenges in life. You may struggle with relationship difficulties, and you don’t yet know how you and God are going to bridge the gap of that communication. Many of us find ourselves in a season where we are focused on personal care and restoration. It takes great courage to change habits and behaviors. I’m gonna say that again: it takes great courage to change habits and behaviors. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. If you’re the peacemaker in the home, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. Hours in your day. I hear you. It is my honor to share with you the little spiritual applications and these little gold nuggets that fortify my daily courage.
OUR PRAYER Let's Pray Father, I thank you that you are the perfecter of that which concerns each one of us. We lift our concerns corporately before you. Father I ask today for special grace to flow for each and every listener We all need to feel like You hear us... We all need to perceive strength being built up on the inside of us. Father open our eyes to see a different perspective Grace switch the lens we are comfortable looking out of and replace it with a deeper understanding of love. Holy Spirit touch us with tangible joy, peace and persistence Jesus we listen knowing the full measure of forgiveness that has already been accomplished on our behalf. In that listening, we have come to know and believe the love that God is unveiled within us. God is love. Love is who God is; we live in this place of conscious, constant love, and live immersed in God and to feel perfectly at home in his indwelling. that is You and I. We are Gods home address. unveil the truth that our lives are hungry to see, hear and know. amen.
What are the current areas of that you find yourself walking through? Think about the promises that God has placed on the inside of you and what that promise is and the story about that promise that is so intimate, a story, a personal growth story of tremendous courage. 1. When we are walking right in the middle of a promise, you and I are looking for God to reveal himself, to show himself. Life is like a treasure chest. Imagine that bulky world travel, captain's treasure chest, which carries precious belongings around the oceans of the world, and in my mind, if I were to look real close, I can see the word COURAGE carved out just under the hinge. We can remember clearly that season of trial and the waters we never thought we could get through let alone cross. Life is a treasure chest, we know is full of courage, grace and He delights opening that treasure chest in front of our family, friends, and the people we meet along the way. Amen. Let’s take a moment to imagine that treasure chest. 2. We God to open doors along our journey. I thoroughly expect Holy Spirit to use my sailboat journey as a metaphor in the areas of your life. Amen. Do you know what the number of people who carry that active revelation of transformation, let alone lead and minister, is about 3% of the evangelical population? You, my friend, are a force of heaven. You didn’t just arrive at this podcast without having walked through your share of religious mindset difficulties. You are COURAGEOUS a mover into the revelations of His kingdom, into the Kingdom of HIs love.
Metaphysics might include the study of the nature of the human mind, the definition and meaning of existence, or the nature of space, time, and/or causality. metaphysics, Branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate structure and constitution of reality—i.e., of that which is real, insofar as it is real. The term, which means literally “what comes after physics,” was used to refer to the treatise by Aristotle on what he himself called “first philosophy.” In the history of Western philosophy, metaphysics has been understood in various ways: as an inquiry into what basic categories of things there are (e.g., the mental and the physical); as the study of reality, as opposed to appearance; as the study of the world as a whole; and as a theory of first principles. Some basic problems in the history of metaphysics are the problem of universals—i.e., the problem of the nature of universals and their relation to so-called particulars; the existence of God; the mind-body problem; and the problem of the nature of material, or external, objects. Credit Britannica Read the article 3. Moving with what is in your hand. (what resources do you have at your disposal) Resources, abilities, capabilities, life skills... 4. if you never ask again, even when it feels uncomfortable, then you never see doors open, that appeared to be shut...—viaK that life skill... the ability to bring into clarity, the words that lay on the page... 5. Hearing perspective, Seeds or the glories that spill out of that treasure chest, take time to grow... COURAGE Every good deed has a predictable harvest. Let’s not get discouraged in the in-between times. (Make sure your good deeds are love-driven rather than duty-driven. Faith works by love, duty by willpower.) Let us take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to everyone we meet, without neglecting our fellow faith family. Galatians 6:4-10 Mirror Application ToolClosing my eyes and feeling it....moves my spirit to a special place of rest.... That is my tool for you when you have laid your self down to sleep, on your way into that lovely lucid place... Ask God to take your spirit and lay it in the birth or forward cabin of the answers in your next season. Go rest in the garden of your predicted harvest......... Scripture Treasure ~ Stand Firm
Now, without the pressure of pretense, you are free to give expression to your individual self and not some phony life you’re trying to fake. Evaluate your own conduct in such a way that you do not need another’s approval to confirm your joy. Everyone ultimately lives their own life. (Even though we share our lives with one another.) Both student and teacher draw from the same source; they equally participate in every good thing. The word they share echoes its distinct resonance within them. Show-business does not deceive God. Do not be led astray and then pull your nose up at God, as if it was God who let you down. The harvest always reveals the seed. The flesh cannot compete with the spirit; just like with Adam, the fruit of the DIY tree still produces death, while faith produces the spirit fruit of the life of the ages, the God-kind of life. Every good deed has a predictable harvest. Let’s not get discouraged in the in-between times. (Make sure your good deeds are love-driven rather than duty-driven. Faith works by love, duty by willpower.) Let us take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to everyone we meet, without neglecting our fellow faith family. Galatians 6:4-10 Mirror
first they give me a HUGE high five and a Atta-Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ➞ ···Rate Show. And of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
Sufficient for me is that honor which is not seen of men but is felt in the heart, as faithful is He who hath promised and who never lies. —Saint Patrick
Welcome, welcome! Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with us. I'm wearing green today. Change is in the air. Here we are, embracing the winds of change. Amen. Exciting, right? On this St. Patty's Day, my husband and I are going on a vintage train ride this evening with our son, his wife, and my best girlfriend. We're heading up into the mountains on a steam train for a dinner ride. I'm really looking forward to this St. Patrick's Day celebration.** In today's episode, I share my encounter with Patrick's shield, a story that began in 2017. Mystical tales often hold grains of truth. Dive into the story of Patrick's shield, the deer's cries, and the lyrics. A compelling show awaits you today. If you need a little push, check out my latest planner, "Bossy Pink," designed for big dreamers. For new journaling enthusiasts, explore my personal daily "A Year in Miracles" template on Evernote, tailored for Intentional Now listeners at just 99 cents. It's a great starting point. Links are provided below. Like many mystical encounters led by Jesus, my journey with Patrick's shield was familiar yet surprising. St. Patrick's story touches my heart every St. Patty's Day. Let me bring it to the forefront for you. According to tradition, St. Patrick penned this prayer in 433 AD for divine protection before converting the Irish King, Loegaire, and his subjects from paganism to Christianity. The breastplate symbolized spiritual armor in battles. St. Patrick recited this prayer when faced with an ambush by Loegaire to prevent him from reaching King Tara to spread the faith. St. Patrick, an evangelist, faced opposition while spreading the gospel. He encountered ambushes, including one orchestrated by King Loegaire. In a moment of peril, a wild deer guided St. Patrick and his monks, cloaking them from danger. This supernatural event is known as St. Patrick's breastplate, a divine entity that shielded them. The king could only see the deer, illustrating a form of supernatural concealment. Have you ever wished for a supernatural cloaking device?
The Lord is greater than all: I have said enough.—Saint Patrick
No one should ever say that it was my ignorance if I did or showed forth anything however small according to God's good pleasure; but let this be your conclusion and let it so be thought, that - as is the perfect truth - it was the gift of God.—Saint Patrick
Evernote Digital Planner | Bossy Pink, Dream and Do Planner
Hey there, fellow dreamers and doers! Are you looking for clarity and focus amidst the noise? Introducing the all-new Evernote Bossy Pink Boss Babe Aesthetic Digital Dream and Do Planner! Make 2023–2025 a truly productive year with the boldest “pink” productivity tool on the market. From weekly plans to monthly goals, budgeting, day-to-day tasks, and task timer notifications, let your planning dreams come true with our customizable Evernote template planner! Plus, stay motivated with inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout your planner to help you achieve greatness. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life or harassed by internal-negative noise drowning out your productivity, fear not! Put progress in the driver's seat and zone in on what really matters to you. This planner is here to help kick those pesky Cinderella labels out of your head and take action from any device you use. So go on — get out of those ashes and make this year everything it can be with Evernote Bossy Pink Boss Babe Aesthetic Digital Dream and Do Planner. Your plans deserve to take flight — nothing but YES I CAN stop them now! INSPIRE: Secret, even inspiration can and should be planned. —viaK KEY SOLUTIONS ·Practical productivity you set the "task timers" · A dream without a plan is just a wish —Katherine Paterson ·Turn black and white into Bossy PINK. ·Customization for consistent flow, don't re-do the re-do ·Color-coded week-to-week assistance to capture your monthly flow ·Evernote Helps, cues from Certified Evernote Expert YOU WILL RECEIVE ·156 notes/templates (Applicable for Evernote paid & free accounts, ·14 Complete Notebooks (I guarantee One Easy Click transfer!) *per notebook ·2023-2025 Calendar ·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote. (for Paper People) ·Individual Tutorial Video with hands-on Template activation instruction ·Fast track link for those versed in Evernote ·In Evernote language; you download a fully functioning "Notebook" one-touch-link via ENEX file. It's that easy! Kristen shows you! ·Day to Day Personal Journals (Living your life with hope and determination) ·Dream & Goal Planners ·Bonus Evernote Support: Live Zoom Classes for viaKwambach customers this template Supports the Technically Challenged and Evernote Newbie! a Note on (Large Planners) what you receive: a common customer concern is being overwhelmed by the massive amount of notes/templates. I'd like to address that with a thought: If you purchase a paper planner/book from the store, how many pages would you expect inside? ~12 months+ of articulate planning/doing/reviewing progress etc. And it's reusable! I call that environment-friendly. Don't let the digital frighten you away from the logical. Imagine a Kindle book ready for you to engage and write your own story! Now you can see the genius magnitude of more... FEATURES: Created with Evernote Brilliance from an Evernote Expert Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote templates designed to support your dreams, home, relationships, and entrepreneurial intent. Design Attributes | an abundance of captivating headers, color-coordinated tables & Bossy-inspiring quotes through-out Fully Customizable Entry Level Design Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master 14 Notebooks = 156 Notes (editable) 4 Themes of Dream Planners (Make · Up) section *Over All Dreams *Entrepreneur, *Relationships, *Personal. 62 Yes you can stickers Task Timers 12 Individualized Months Monthly Goal (Plan · Up) action planner Monthly Budget Manager (What I have and Where I am going) Monthly View (Make·UP, Plan·Up, Do·Up) 5 Week to Week (Do·up) to get it done! Day to Day Journal (self-care, mood tracker, minor details, hourly checklist, budget maintenance+more...) Gratitude Journal is the art of building a masterpiece of thank you. Month in Review (show my brilliance, re-do, do-overs, make·up, next month) 62 Bossy PINK stickers to color every mood, challenge, and celebration OH Bossy PINK Extras: 2023-2025 Calendar, Contact List, Gift Ideas, Stationery Stationery= Thank you and Birthday notecard to keep your Gratitude on! Easy PDF, download, print, and share. And How did I get so BOSSY PINK? WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity. With 6570 Notes and 353 Notebooks to date, Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches. 2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Wife of 37 years, 4 adult sons, 2 daughters in love, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach. Did I mention my best friend Dash? aka King Charles Spaniel, aah! My templates are Evernote-specific. One size template (app) does not fit all!!! Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients. ______________________________________________________________________2023 TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts. Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac. Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing. Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com All rights reserved. EVERNOTE is a registered trademark FILES & DOWNLOADS The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me. On Sale On Sale A year of Miracles: Kristen's Evernote personal daily template
For Interviewing Jesus Podcast Listeners. AN EXCLUSIVE OFFER See episode 96 Interviewing Jesus Podcast My personal | DAILY PLANNER | Evernote Template I didn't change a thing to accommodate a normal customer base. It's personal It's PINK It's filled with faith It's pretty Simple To the point Highlight my focus on the Lord in this season. MIRACLES I tell my Evernote customers this all the time: I guarantee: "One well-used daily planner can change your life" —viaK Maybe you have never been introduced to Evernote, maybe you are technically challenged? Ask Jesus and then come back and I'll help you learn. It is not a secret, Journaling helped me to listen and hear God's voice. To read my journey The UnFinished Book For a Podcast Listener exclusive offer .99
a year of Miracles: Supports the Technically Challenged!
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place! WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity. With 6192 Notes and 320 Notebooks to date, Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches. 2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach. My templates are Evernote-specific. One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!! Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients. #prettyevernotetemplates: Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty. Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter! _____________________________________________________________________2024 TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts. Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac. Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing. Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com All rights reserved. EVERNOTE is a registered trademark FILES & DOWNLOADS The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
first they give me a HUGE high five and a Atta-Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ➞ ··· Rate Show. And of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Good afternoon, beloved family did you notice anything? Welcome! I am overjoyed to have this time with all of you. For those joining us for the first time, you've caught us in a season of change and rebranding. We've been discussing our move to a bigger platform. Isn't it exciting? Let me share a little story. As we expand our horizons, embracing new experiences, I recall a moment when I was heading to the bathroom to prepare for a shower. Just as I crossed the threshold, I distinctly heard a message from God: "You need to change the title of your podcast to 'Interviewing Jesus'." It was a clear and unexpected directive. I was taken aback but also thrilled by the idea. What struck me was that the title 'Interviewing Jesus' was available. Intrigued, I hurried to my office to research further. As tech-savvy individuals and entrepreneurs, we always check domain availability. To my surprise, there were no .coms, no .nets – nothing. A few casual blogs mentioned 'interviewing Jesus,' but nothing substantial. I see this as a miracle – discovering a catchy phrase that hasn't been claimed as a domain. It's like finding a gem waiting to be uncovered. So, what do you all think? It's time to craft a new name that truly resonates. New IntroHello from the Pacific Northwest. This is Kristen from Kristenwambach.com and you're listening to the Interviewing Jesus Podcast. At just 12 years old, Jesus embarked on his first interview posing the thought provoking question. Why were you searching for me? You and I have already discovered the lure of Jesus lies not in the miracles witnessed. They are totally amazing and we appreciate having access to more. But his allure is in the profound instance of love that engulfs us when we partake in the essence of his be. This is our captivating question. In that instance, our eyes are open. In that instance, his cross became our cross In that instance, our questions become answers. In that instance, we see ourselves totally represented and mirrored in him. How does love do that? How do we engage the mystical and make it practical? Join me and my special guest as we share journeys of life, bridge the Beyond and explored dimensions where love reigns supreme. But before we talk about the spiritual woowoo we need to answer his question. Why are you searching for me?
David Brier, branding and brand identity expert and author of Brand Intervention
Bonnies encounterShe said yes. We bowed her heads and closed her eyes for honor and focus purposes. I mentioned to her that Jesus was going to show her a particular thought or feeling or picture just believe what he shows you. We waited for just a moment. And she was spiritually inside crossed over. It was amazing. The gospel is so simple and easy to recognize his love. I asked her what she was perceiving and she began to share a particular room and Jesus was there with her. She went on to describe in part as emotions began to consume her. Bonnie shared out loud, and those parts grew less and less of her experience. As I watched her like she was watching and viewing a 3d movie. Tears, recognition and emotions. She only asked me a few more times. What should I do? I just directed her back to the author and the finisher of her faith. She heard, saw in the spirit and responded like a champ. Jesus spoke she answered and guided her brilliantly. The best inner healing meeting I have ever had the privilege to witness. She had clarity and all that went on. I think we were in the prayer room for maybe 40 minutes. When Jesus ended that particular conversation, she said wiping her wet cheeks free loved and a little stand and emotionally spent. Bonnie looked at me and said I was in heaven wasn't I. Jonah Sachs, entrepreneur and author of Winning the Story Wars The Boy Jesus at the Temple (Luke 2:41-52) At twelve years old, Jesus visits the Temple during Passover. When His parents depart for home, Jesus stays behind, amazing the teachers with His understanding. His parents find Him after three days, and though they do not fully understand His statement about His Father's house, Mary treasured these things in her heart. Luke 2 narrates the divine beginnings of Jesus, from His humble birth in Bethlehem to His insightful interactions at the Jerusalem Temple. This chapter reveals God's unfolding plan through the experiences of common shepherds, dedicated prophets, and a young boy destined to be the Savior of the world. ACTIVATION: Embrace life's journey within the communion of the spirit. KEEPING THE LORD ALWAYS BEFORE ME Activations offer opportunities to enhance your connection with divine inspiration. Through hands on engagement exploration and personalization of these experiences, you can expect meditations, practical activities, breath-work, daily routines, organizational tips, and valuable insights from Kristen, an Evernote Expert, Entrepreneur and Mystic. Learn More Activations is an exclusive Patreon group where we bland conviction and consciousness with the rich knowledge of shared spiritual experiences communicated with God, inspired by Psalm 16:8 Embrace life's journey within the communion of the spirit. I asked Answer the public and out of the Top Google searches reports I received 390 questions people asked if they could ask God. I chose just a few. Can you ask God for a sign? Can you ask God for money? Can you ask God to forgive someone else? Can you ask God for help? Can you ask God for a blessing? Why do you have to ask God if he already knows. When you pray to God will he answer in English? Why do we ask God to bless our food? Why do we ask God to heal our land? Who do you pray to God the Father Jesus or holy spirit Where were you God when this in this in this happened? And God Why do you allow all of those awful? You get the picture? I do believe we have opened a Pandora's box with Mercy all over it. Our Search ParametersGod what is your favorite color? 'For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. ' Romans 1:20 In the daily walk of relationship, the heavens declare the glories of God and from my perspective with HIM, the heavens (sky's above) are blue and reflection on the waters are blue. It is the most used color in creation next to green, but I'm from Oregon and "grey" doesn't count as a color, LOL! Lisa Gansky, American entrepreneur and author BINGE LISTENS that ignite hope and passion...
In the beginning of Deuteronomy, the renowned prayer is introduced as Moses speaks to the new generation of Israel, who are getting ready to enter the promised land. He advises them against repeating the errors of their parents' generation, hoping they will fully enjoy the blessings of the promised land. To achieve this, the people must prioritize listening to and loving God above everything else Listening too, sitting in our secret place. Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6 The concept of "God is One" signifies not just the existence of a single God, but the unity between God and all of creation. There is no separation from God; everything in existence, every element we observe, is essentially a hidden representation of God. Consequently, every aspect of the universe relies entirely on God continuously. While God initiated the creation of the universe in the past, He also sustains its existence constantly. According to the Sages, there is a continuous flow of energy stemming from God's infinite core, perpetually recreating the universe. If this life-sustaining energy were withdrawn, the universe and everything within it would cease to be. Amy Pascal, Co-Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment This instrumental worship music my morning staple.Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company
first they give me a HUGE high five and a Atta-Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ➞ ··· Rate Show. And of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
it isn't hard to knock down a big, evil building,
If you have experienced a shift or feel like you are moving into a new space, raise your hand. It seems like many of us can relate to this. Thank you for being here. It's encouraging to see so many of you engaging. Let's refocus by revisiting some key points of this podcast. We are here to discuss change in a workshop setting. What does this entail? Workshops provide a platform for all of us to come together, share thoughts, brainstorm, address challenges, make decisions, and find solutions. Moving on to common ground - I assume we share similar experiences. Our relationship with Jesus has reshaped our perspectives and made us spiritually courageous. This shared journey has also led us to embrace the spiritual realm without fear. Along the way, we have encountered obstacles and naysayers, but Jesus has continuously empowered us to defy limitations and embrace His guidance. We stand firm in our shared belief. We are in sync on this spiritual journey. Therefore, you and I are exactly where we need to be. Episode Highlights
Episode including the story of Page 93 . #22 Vulnerable Focus #52 Casting Your Net BEFORE #53 Casting Your Net AFTER The story is featured in the 2015 film Tomorrowland Casey: "There are two wolves" ... You told me this story my entire life, and now I'm telling you: There are two wolves and they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair, the other is light and hope. Which wolf wins? Eddie: C'mon, Casey. Casey: Okay, fine, don't answer. Eddie: Whichever one you feed.
"A man traveling through the mountains came upon an old mountaineer who had two dogs. Both dogs were the same size, and they fought continually. The visitor asked the mountaineer which dog usually won. The old fellow studied for a moment, spat over the fence, and said, 'The one I feed the most.' Credit Wikipedia Romans 7:18 The total extent and ugliness of sin that inhabits me, reduced my life to good intentions that could not be followed through. 7:19 Willpower has failed me; this is how embarrassing it is, the most diligent decision that I make to do good, disappoints; the very evil I try to avoid, is what I do. (If mere quality decisions could rescue mankind, the law would have been enough. Good intentions cannot save someone. The revelation of what happened to us in Christ’s death is what brings faith into motion to liberate from within. Faith is not a decision we make to give God a chance, faith is realizing our inclusion in what happened on the Cross and in the resurrection of Christ. Mirror Romans 3:27 The law of faith cancels the law of works; which means there is suddenly nothing left for anyone to boast in. No one is superior to another. (Bragging only makes sense if there is someone to compete with or impress. “While we compete with one another and compare ourselves with one another we are without understanding. [2 Corinthians 10:12]. “Through the righteousness of God we have received a faith of equal standing.” [See 2 Peter 1:1 RSV] The OS (operating system) of the law of works is willpower; the OS of the law of faith is love. Galatians 5:6 Love sets faith in motion. The law presented one with choices; grace awakens belief. Willpower exhausts, love ignites. If choices could save us we would be our own Saviors. Willpower is the language of the law, love is the language of grace and it ignites faith that leads to romance; falling in love beats “making a decision to believe in love” by far. See Rom 7:19 Willpower has failed me; this is how embarrassing it is, the most diligent decision that I make to do good, disappoints.) 3:28 This leaves us with only one logical conclusion, mankind is justified by God’s faith and not by their ability to keep the law. Mirror *ACTIVATIONS: Embrace life's journey within the communion of the spirit. KEEPING THE LORD ALWAYS BEFORE ME Activations offer opportunities to enhance your connection with divine inspiration. Through hands-on engagement, exploration, and personalization of these experiences, you can expect meditations, practical activities, breath-work, daily routines, organizational tips, and valuable insights from Kristen, an Evernote Expert, Entrepreneur and Mystic. Learn More Activations is an exclusive Patreon group where we blend conviction and consciousness with the rich knowledge of shared spiritual experiences communicated with God, inspired by Psalm 16:8. Embrace life's journey within the communion of the spirit. BINGE LISTENS that will keep your engine revved...
Watch Tomorrowlandat the end of the movie Tomorrowland hope has been restored. George Clooney says, to a roomful of dreamers. "It isn't hard to knock down a big evil building. That's telling everybody that the world is going to end. What is hard is figuring out what to build in its place." The one I feed always wins because he's stronger we need to feed our stories tell our stories to God again and again
Polka dots were rarely seen in fabrics prior to the Industrial Revolution due to how difficult it was to create the contrasting print by hand. In the mid 1800s, manufacturers started using the advanced capabilities of new machinery to create detailed and multicolored dye patterns, and thus the polka dot was allowed to flourish. Credit: Cloth and Stitch Yes, we can transcend time and have a conversation with Jesus. He can unveil our story, turning it into reality. Amen. Thank you for spending time with me today. Visit the show notes for additional information and links. Your support means a lot to me. I care about you. Thank you for joining me for my weekly source of inspiration. Have a fantastic day ahead. Goodbye for now.
first they give me a HUGE high five and a Atta Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review. ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device, Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ➞. ··· Rate Show . and of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
Embracing this mystery reveals how God intricately weaves you and I together, unveiling a collective identity rooted in Christ. We will share perspectives, story telling and helpful conversations that cultivate a heightened awareness enabling us to grasp the depth of spiritual wealth present within us and our interconnectedness in Christ.
Remember the blue sky. It may at times be obscured by clouds, but it is always there.” —Andy Puddicombe
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a little something in the Valentine Postbox...
Now breathe out and exhale the trials, concerns and circumstances of the day Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Tell him every detail of your life, believe your breathe is carrying every detail of your life... breath out pain and disappointment release confusion and worry release misunderstandings and problems Now move your breathe in relaxation Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. Holy Spirit we fasten our thoughts on every glorious work of God, and give You praise, amen thank you Holy Spirit Introducing a 26 foot sailboat fixed keel that sits on a trailer making her as tall as a semi truck. And interesting twist.This particular boat she hasn't been out of the harbor for the last two owners. Ah I know she needs some love. In the season of "Courtship," the focus was on being together make sense right? To change seasons we will have more responsibility more room. But there's a measure of risk in acquiring any recreational vehicle especially if we have to believe God that she is sea worthy. What does it mean in our relationships to be sea worthy.
What would it mean to you to live convinced of who you are in Him? What would that mean? And how would your life be empowered to live conscious of how he feels for you? Challenging our MINDFULNESSA sailboat has run aground, with its keel stuck in the sand as the tide retreats. This situation presents a challenge for our mindfulness. Instead of focusing on the negative, let's explore a different perspective. Picture two depicts massive anchors resting at the bottom of a crystal-clear, tropical ocean. How many interpretations can we derive from an image of an anchor? The term "anchor" itself conveys ideas of being tethered, weighty, and immobile. Alternatively, by maintaining a connection with a mindful state, we perceive the image in a new light – feeling secure, grounded, and protected in the midst of a storm. Forever is composed of nows.” —Emily Dickinson
Today's episode has explored various themes. You are invited to engage in a dialogue encompassing thoughts, emotions, solutions, blessings, challenges, and aspirations. God has listened to numerous queries and offered different viewpoints, underscoring the essence of conversation. Understanding God's intentions becomes clearer when we delve into matters of the heart. Let us be mindful as we seek to align our thoughts with His. Through prayerful discussions, we aim to attain a heightened awareness. The true wealth that defines us is found in Christ, concealed yet accessible. In this moment of unity, we are enriched by the boundless wisdom and knowledge sourced in Him. By exploring the concept of wealth as a spendable but unhoardable currency, we arrive at a profound realization through our interactions with God. Within this enigmatic journey lies the revelation of our relationship with the Father through Christ. He encapsulates the entirety of wisdom and knowledge, guiding our path towards understanding. Binge Listens you'll catch the wind with...
first they give me a HUGE high five and an Atta Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artisti has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review. ✍️ Spotify Review; Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ⟶ ··· Rate Show and of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
Together, let's unlock the potential of our hearts and minds by discovering our worth and true selves in Christ. Join me as we embark on a mystical journey towards unshakable conviction and clarity. Let's explore this together and seek the truth. Amen. See you on the inside!
our heart in PrayerFather God I am made in your image. When you look at me, you see Jesus and His completed ministry on the inside of me. I am your address. I am your tabernacle and temple. I am your sanctuary and Jesus looks just like me from your perspective. Father, I ask that You would help me today expand that perspective. Father, I ask that you make it tangible in this very time and place where I am praying from, make it easy to recognize and so full of love that without a shadow of a doubt I know that you are speaking personally to me.Holy Spirit, thank you for giving me eyes to see and ears to hear. And Jesus. I thank you that you lead me into all truth. And that is You. Amen. Sitting outside in nature, is like sitting inside of God's MEDITATION. —viaK
Personal AssignmentHold up, before we dive in, let's take a beat. Can you think of one or two things that have been on your mind for ages? Now, in my case, I zeroed in on things that were just about me, so I could talk to Jesus about them without getting all tangled up in my feelings. It's like using them as a tool for personal growth, you know what I mean? So, let's gather those issues up and set them next to your coffee cup. We're about to give them a good old-fashioned Jesus-powered spotlight! Our assignment in this episode is the TITLE! See God! You are so much more than a woman at the well... living convinced and conscious of who you really are in Him. tangible touchable right there in your face.
Thank you, Mary, for your prayer. When we are reluctant to act on our own callings, oh, God send Mary to remind us they have no wine. Get us out of the house. —AM Luti. ACTIVATIONS: “I KEEP THE LORD ALWAYS BEFORE ME” (Psalm 16:8). Staying Connected with God Throughout the Day. David made a conscious effort to remember God throughout the day. Similarly, I mutter (as my friend tells me) it's a living conversation with Him. Scripture meditation, expressions of gratitude, or reflection on God's love to stay connected. This is the HEART OF ACTIVATIONS They are not just homework or busy-work; activations have been divinely inspired to inspire you and me. Together we have the opportunity to practice, unpack, engage and make them our own. You are officially invited, viaK Don’t be the girl who fell. Be the girl who got back up.” —Jenette Stanley Binge Listens you have to hear...