Sufficient for me is that honor which is not seen of men but is felt in the heart, as faithful is He who hath promised and who never lies. —Saint Patrick
Welcome, welcome! Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with us. I'm wearing green today. Change is in the air. Here we are, embracing the winds of change. Amen. Exciting, right? On this St. Patty's Day, my husband and I are going on a vintage train ride this evening with our son, his wife, and my best girlfriend. We're heading up into the mountains on a steam train for a dinner ride. I'm really looking forward to this St. Patrick's Day celebration.** In today's episode, I share my encounter with Patrick's shield, a story that began in 2017. Mystical tales often hold grains of truth. Dive into the story of Patrick's shield, the deer's cries, and the lyrics. A compelling show awaits you today. If you need a little push, check out my latest planner, "Bossy Pink," designed for big dreamers. For new journaling enthusiasts, explore my personal daily "A Year in Miracles" template on Evernote, tailored for Intentional Now listeners at just 99 cents. It's a great starting point. Links are provided below. Like many mystical encounters led by Jesus, my journey with Patrick's shield was familiar yet surprising. St. Patrick's story touches my heart every St. Patty's Day. Let me bring it to the forefront for you. According to tradition, St. Patrick penned this prayer in 433 AD for divine protection before converting the Irish King, Loegaire, and his subjects from paganism to Christianity. The breastplate symbolized spiritual armor in battles. St. Patrick recited this prayer when faced with an ambush by Loegaire to prevent him from reaching King Tara to spread the faith. St. Patrick, an evangelist, faced opposition while spreading the gospel. He encountered ambushes, including one orchestrated by King Loegaire. In a moment of peril, a wild deer guided St. Patrick and his monks, cloaking them from danger. This supernatural event is known as St. Patrick's breastplate, a divine entity that shielded them. The king could only see the deer, illustrating a form of supernatural concealment. Have you ever wished for a supernatural cloaking device?
The Lord is greater than all: I have said enough.—Saint Patrick
No one should ever say that it was my ignorance if I did or showed forth anything however small according to God's good pleasure; but let this be your conclusion and let it so be thought, that - as is the perfect truth - it was the gift of God.—Saint Patrick
Evernote Digital Planner | Bossy Pink, Dream and Do Planner
Hey there, fellow dreamers and doers! Are you looking for clarity and focus amidst the noise? Introducing the all-new Evernote Bossy Pink Boss Babe Aesthetic Digital Dream and Do Planner! Make 2024–2025 a truly productive year with the boldest “pink” productivity tool on the market. From weekly plans to monthly goals, budgeting, day-to-day tasks, and task timer notifications, let your planning dreams come true with our customizable Evernote template planner! Plus, stay motivated with inspirational quotes sprinkled throughout your planner to help you achieve greatness. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life or harassed by internal-negative noise drowning out your productivity, fear not! Put progress in the driver's seat and zone in on what really matters to you. This planner is here to help kick those pesky Cinderella labels out of your head and take action from any device you use. So go on — get out of those ashes and make this year everything it can be with Evernote Bossy Pink Boss Babe Aesthetic Digital Dream and Do Planner. Your plans deserve to take flight — nothing but YES I CAN stop them now! INSPIRE: Secret, even inspiration can and should be planned. —viaK KEY SOLUTIONS ·Practical productivity you set the "task timers" · A dream without a plan is just a wish —Katherine Paterson ·Turn black and white into Bossy PINK. ·Customization for consistent flow, don't re-do the re-do ·Color-coded week-to-week assistance to capture your monthly flow ·Evernote Helps, cues from Certified Evernote Expert YOU WILL RECEIVE ·156 notes/templates (Applicable for Evernote paid & free accounts, ·14 Complete Notebooks (I guarantee One Easy Click transfer!) *per notebook ·2024-2025 Calendar ·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote. (for Paper People) ·Individual Tutorial Video with hands-on Template activation instruction ·Fast track link for those versed in Evernote ·In Evernote language; you download a fully functioning "Notebook" one-touch-link via ENEX file. It's that easy! Kristen shows you! ·Day to Day Personal Journals (Living your life with hope and determination) ·Dream & Goal Planners ·Bonus Evernote Support: Live Zoom Classes for viaKwambach customers this template Supports the Technically Challenged and Evernote Newbie! a Note on (Large Planners) what you receive: a common customer concern is being overwhelmed by the massive amount of notes/templates. I'd like to address that with a thought: If you purchase a paper planner/book from the store, how many pages would you expect inside? ~12 months+ of articulate planning/doing/reviewing progress etc. And it's reusable! I call that environment-friendly. Don't let the digital frighten you away from the logical. Imagine a Kindle book ready for you to engage and write your own story! Now you can see the genius magnitude of more... FEATURES: Created with Evernote Brilliance from an Evernote Expert Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote templates designed to support your dreams, home, relationships, and entrepreneurial intent. Design Attributes | an abundance of captivating headers, color-coordinated tables & Bossy-inspiring quotes through-out Fully Customizable Entry Level Design Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master 14 Notebooks = 156 Notes (editable) 4 Themes of Dream Planners (Make · Up) section *Over All Dreams *Entrepreneur, *Relationships, *Personal. 62 Yes you can stickers Task Timers 12 Individualized Months Monthly Goal (Plan · Up) action planner Monthly Budget Manager (What I have and Where I am going) Monthly View (Make·UP, Plan·Up, Do·Up) 5 Week to Week (Do·up) to get it done! Day to Day Journal (self-care, mood tracker, minor details, hourly checklist, budget maintenance+more...) Gratitude Journal is the art of building a masterpiece of thank you. Month in Review (show my brilliance, re-do, do-overs, make·up, next month) 62 Bossy PINK stickers to color every mood, challenge, and celebration OH Bossy PINK Extras: 2023-2025 Calendar, Contact List, Gift Ideas, Stationery Stationery= Thank you and Birthday notecard to keep your Gratitude on! Easy PDF, download, print, and share. And How did I get so BOSSY PINK? WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity. With 6570 Notes and 353 Notebooks to date, Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches. 2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Wife of 37 years, 4 adult sons, 2 daughters in love, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach. Did I mention my best friend Dash? aka King Charles Spaniel, aah! My templates are Evernote-specific. One size template (app) does not fit all!!! Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients. ______________________________________________________________________2023 TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts. Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac. Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing. Copyright ©2023 by, viaKwambach designs, All rights reserved. EVERNOTE is a registered trademark FILES & DOWNLOADS The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me. On Sale On Sale A year of Miracles: Kristen's Evernote personal daily template
For Interviewing Jesus Podcast Listeners. AN EXCLUSIVE OFFER See episode 96 Interviewing Jesus Podcast My personal | DAILY PLANNER | Evernote Template I didn't change a thing to accommodate a normal customer base. It's personal It's PINK It's filled with faith It's pretty Simple To the point Highlight my focus on the Lord in this season. MIRACLES I tell my Evernote customers this all the time: I guarantee: "One well-used daily planner can change your life" —viaK Maybe you have never been introduced to Evernote, maybe you are technically challenged? Ask Jesus and then come back and I'll help you learn. It is not a secret, Journaling helped me to listen and hear God's voice. To read my journey The UnFinished Book For a Podcast Listener exclusive offer .99
a year of Miracles: Supports the Technically Challenged!
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place! WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity. With 6192 Notes and 320 Notebooks to date, Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches. 2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach. My templates are Evernote-specific. One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!! Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients. #prettyevernotetemplates: Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty. Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter! _____________________________________________________________________2024 TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts. Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac. Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing. Copyright ©2024 by, viaKwambach designs, All rights reserved. EVERNOTE is a registered trademark FILES & DOWNLOADS The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
first they give me a HUGE high five and a Atta-Girl (thank you 💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review. Rate ✩✩✩✩✩. Write Review ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show. moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙️ click ➞ ··· Rate Show. And of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
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I'm Kristen WambachI'm all grown up (I think?) Along my journey of searching for answers, I found them. I went from spiritual blindness to OMG! With a driving niche as an entrepreneur. I love hanging out with our four sons, riding with my husband on his Harley, and creating all things hospitality. My mission? To help others see "beyond" and own their awesomeness within!
Stay 🔗 Connectedx
Request from Episode 141 This is what God placed on my heart: Listeners send Encouraging stories about the creative ways you have "Heard" or received an answer from God. Please share your mystical woo woo too! Send to: [email protected] Gods assignment for us: to encourage the body of Christ, His kids to hear, respond and grow in our authentic experiential relationship with Him. (Imagine the possibilities) Guidelines 1. Positive (God is Good) Stories will be shared on INP Podcast 2. Minor editing or shortening the story may be done to prepare the story to be shared in an episode. 3. I value relationship: please share with me your real name, place of origin and accessible email address if I have a question. 4. I will respond received your email 5. I Promise to share first names and location only! thank you so much for your help and participation. Kristen p.s. Story's will be shared over a period of future episodes. |