- ❖Books by Kristen Wambach
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- The UnFinished Book Hardback
The UnFinished Book Hardback
The UnFinished Books is Kristen's search for answers found in mysteries beyond the veil. From pew, row seven, left-hand side, fifty years later Jesus reveals what happened the day she met Him. Read, share, encounter her passionate journey for spiritual truth. Experience living testimonies of how to develop your spiritual senses through an intimate relationship with the Godhead. The author shares personal truths, with hands-on activations. You will learn to step into Heaven, hear the voice of God, unmask the enemy, breakthrough to freedom from repetitive issues, legislate in the Courts of Heaven and discover your destiny. The UnFinished Book will open your eyes to the glories of eternity and your place in it. Heaven is a mystery God intended for us to find, it is our rightful inheritance.
The UnFinished book is a valuable resource, filled with "alive" encounters to assist and enable you to actively participate with Father God and to know Him. Partnering along with The UnFinished Book is an "acces-friendly" website filled with journal notes, photos and drawings to assist the reader to understand and illuminate revelation. Testimonies of change, struggle and engaging faith to step into heaven will equip believers with the reality of "being in the spirit." It is a journey fill with hope, mystery, and overcoming.
- When I was 8, I asked Him to come into my heart.
- When I was 29, I allowed Him to heal my heart.
- When I was 30, I asked Him to introduce me to Holy Spirit.
- When I was 40, I allowed Holy Spirit to change me.
- When I was 48, I agreed with Him what He said about me.
- When I was 49, He opened my spiritual eyes to His Kingdom.
- I'm now 59; I feel like I am only beginning.
Kristen's courageous and candid pen writes an authentic witness that carries the reader into heavenly realms. It's obvious she has wrestled with truths and hope is no longer unseen.
The unFinished Book intrigues us by saying that some of the greater things in life are unseen and finishes with unveiling our sight.