Together, let's unlock the potential of our hearts and minds by discovering our worth and true selves in Christ. Join me as we embark on a mystical journey towards unshakable conviction and clarity. Let's explore this together and seek the truth. Amen. See you on the inside!
our heart in PrayerFather God I am made in your image. When you look at me, you see Jesus and His completed ministry on the inside of me. I am your address. I am your tabernacle and temple. I am your sanctuary and Jesus looks just like me from your perspective. Father, I ask that You would help me today expand that perspective. Father, I ask that you make it tangible in this very time and place where I am praying from, make it easy to recognize and so full of love that without a shadow of a doubt I know that you are speaking personally to me.Holy Spirit, thank you for giving me eyes to see and ears to hear. And Jesus. I thank you that you lead me into all truth. And that is You. Amen. Sitting outside in nature, is like sitting inside of God's MEDITATION. —viaK
Personal AssignmentHold up, before we dive in, let's take a beat. Can you think of one or two things that have been on your mind for ages? Now, in my case, I zeroed in on things that were just about me, so I could talk to Jesus about them without getting all tangled up in my feelings. It's like using them as a tool for personal growth, you know what I mean? So, let's gather those issues up and set them next to your coffee cup. We're about to give them a good old-fashioned Jesus-powered spotlight! Our assignment in this episode is the TITLE! See God! You are so much more than a woman at the well... living convinced and conscious of who you really are in Him. tangible touchable right there in your face.
Thank you, Mary, for your prayer. When we are reluctant to act on our own callings, oh, God send Mary to remind us they have no wine. Get us out of the house. —AM Luti. ACTIVATIONS: “I KEEP THE LORD ALWAYS BEFORE ME” (Psalm 16:8). Staying Connected with God Throughout the Day. David made a conscious effort to remember God throughout the day. Similarly, I mutter (as my friend tells me) it's a living conversation with Him. Scripture meditation, expressions of gratitude, or reflection on God's love to stay connected. This is the HEART OF ACTIVATIONS They are not just homework or busy-work; activations have been divinely inspired to inspire you and me. Together we have the opportunity to practice, unpack, engage and make them our own. You are officially invited, viaK Don’t be the girl who fell. Be the girl who got back up.” —Jenette Stanley Binge Listens you have to hear...
Scripture ArchiveMy first point of reference is the Mirror Bible, not available to link. Luke: 9:23 Mirror He/Jesus, then looked everyone in the eye and said to them, “Joining me in close companionship in your daily walk, involves perceiving my mission as fully representing you. Get over and done with any idea of “self” that contradicts your true I-am-ness. Here is how you do it: lift up your cross once and for all, by seeing it mirrored in mine. My cross is your cross.” Jesus Comes to a Wedding John 2 PTL 1Now on the third day, Jesus’ mother went to a wedding feast in the Galilean village of Cana. 2-3Jesus and his disciples were all invited to the banquet, but with so many guests, they ran out of wine. And when Mary realized it, she came to Jesus and asked, “They have no wine; can’t you do something about it?” 4Jesus replied, “My dear one, don’t you understand that if I do this, it will change nothing for you, but it will change everything for me! My hour of unveiling my power has not yet come.” Read Passage A Thirsty Savior | The Woman at the Well John 4 PTL 1The news quickly reached the Jewish religious leaders known as the Pharisees that Jesus was drawing greater crowds of followers coming to be baptized than John. 2(Although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but only his disciples.) 3Jesus heard what was being said and abruptly left Judea and returned to the province of Galilee, 4and he had to pass through Samaria. 5Jesus arrived at the Samaritan village of Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6-8Wearied by his long journey, he sat on the edge of Jacob’s well, and sent his disciples into the village to buy food, for it was already afternoon. Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”
first they give me a HUGE high five and an Atta Girl (thank you💋) 2nd they tell others that you value the time, money and encouragement this artist has invested. Apple Podcast Review: Click, Listen on Apple Podcast, which opens your iTunes account on your Desktop: Scroll down page to, Rate and Review, Rate ✩✩✩✩✩ Write Review. ✍️ Spotify Review: Open Spotify App on your device. Click Show, moving right from Following 🔔 ⚙ click ➞ ··· Rate show and of course sharing with friends, co-workers and family! 💋
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I'm Kristen WambachI'm all grown up (I think?) Along my journey of searching for answers, I found them. I went from spiritual blindness to OMG! With a driving niche as an entrepreneur. I love hanging out with our four sons, riding with my husband on his Harley, and creating all things hospitality. My mission? To help others see "beyond" and own their awesomeness within!
Stay 🔗 Connectedx
Request from Episode 141 This is what God placed on my heart: Listeners send Encouraging stories about the creative ways you have "Heard" or received an answer from God. Please share your mystical woo woo too! Send to: [email protected] Gods assignment for us: to encourage the body of Christ, His kids to hear, respond and grow in our authentic experiential relationship with Him. (Imagine the possibilities) Guidelines 1. Positive (God is Good) Stories will be shared on INP Podcast 2. Minor editing or shortening the story may be done to prepare the story to be shared in an episode. 3. I value relationship: please share with me your real name, place of origin and accessible email address if I have a question. 4. I will respond received your email 5. I Promise to share first names and location only! thank you so much for your help and participation. Kristen p.s. Story's will be shared over a period of future episodes. |