- ❖Pretty Evernote Templates and Planners
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- Evernote | Workflow Minimalist Planner | TIFFANY
Evernote | Workflow Minimalist Planner | TIFFANY
Evernote | Workflow Minimalist Planner | TIFFANY
Connecting life·dots can be overwhelming.
This best idea planner helps you trust your intuition, clarify destiny, and minimize distractions.
There is nothing "minimal" about life!
Find Your Workflow Productivity "Breakfast @ TIFFANY'S" Happy Place
How? This strategically thought-out planner.
There is nothing "minimal" about life!
Create and revolutionize your goals
Keep your home and business plans in perfect order
Evernote is just the app to get you there.
From any device with templates that support your plans.
·Evernote Workflow for practical productivity
·Daily, Weekly, and Annual Overlook & Glimpse, highlighting that iconic Tiffany blue!
·Fully customizable, clear instruction
·Evernote Helps, cues from Certified Evernote Expert
·YouTube Full video: Evernote TIFFANY Workflow Minimalist Planner
·Find the value of time & money-saving digital templates ready to serve you for years.
"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot."
- Truman Capote, 'Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Find your Workflow productivity happy place!
·1 complete, Evernote Notebook (Applicable for Evernote paid & free accounts,
·Inside the Notebook, 5 templates to round out your planner
·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
·Individual Tutorial Video (30+ minutes of instruction) with hands-on Template activation and instruction (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
·Fast track link for those versed in Evernote
·In Evernote language; you download a fully functioning "Notebook" one-touch-link via ENEX file. It's that easy! Kristen shows you!
·Bonus Gratitude Journal
this template Supports the Technically Challenged and Evernote Newbie!
*Capture Anything: Add more than text to your notes, including photos, files, and to-do lists.
*Keep it together: Create a personal space for all your most important ideas and information.
*Find it Fast: Get the right note, right away with powerful search and keyword tags.
*Take it Anywhere: Sync your notes to all your devices so they stay with you, even if you're offline.
- Created with Evernote Brilliance from an Evernote Expert
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote templates designed to support your home, family, and entrepreneurial needs.
- Design Attributes | captivating headers, perfect iconic blue-color-coordinated notebooks & inspiring notes
- Stickers Page
- Fully Customizable
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
3 Notebooks = 15 templates (editable)
- Daily Planner
- Priority and Planning
- Self-care and meditation
- Morning, Afternoon & Evening Notes
- Screen Shots & Photos
- Weekend Activities
- Saturday Flow
- Weekly View
- Affirmations
- Meal and Water Log
- Monday and Friday Review
- Website Links
- Weekly Highlights and Focus
- Annual Outlook
- Gratitude Journal
- Sticker Page
*(2023 Update)
*Annual Planner Glimpse
*Workflow Daily detailed Weekly Breakout Calendar Annually Updated
*Bullet Journal Index & Tutorial Helps
*CRM Data
*Social Media
*Workflow Client
*Workflow Project
*Workflow Goals | Time for a little change
Gratitude Journal
- *Sticker Page
"Hand me my purse, will you, darling? A girl can't read that sort of thing…with…without her lipstick."
- Holly Golightly, 'Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Utilize your device, computer, laptop, iPad, or phone and organize in Evernote-Productivity-App Evernote Budget Templates, every thought, inspiration, photo, personal, entrepreneurial, and business plan.
Build strong relationships: at home, for your Brand, with your clients, customer, and students.
VALUE: Save time, organize with confidence
Karen Wittstien Reviewed: From start to finish, you feel like you purchased from a high-end brick-and-mortar store. Her presentation on her website, the customer Gift Bag, has no end to the detail of her products.
Kristen is established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!)
Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
- Will show you the nuts and bolts to save and reuse your planner templates.
- Help you fashion a strong-personalized master plan
- You will successfully learn Planner techniques and stop wasting time scouring the internet for "FREE" ideas that steal your time and fail to point you in the right direction.
- Evernote Newbies: You are making a brilliant choice, receive support to start your account. Budget Templates discover powerful and productive insight. Combine 20 years of journaling expertise and Evernote mastery to teach you to successfully utilize your Templates.
As Kristen says, never lose a single inspiring thought!
My coaching style technique will guide you confidently from initial purchase, notebook download, template save, customizable ideas, and the delight of journaling.
*An easy-to-learn solution: to record and maintain personal & business interaction in this Social Media Buzz world.
DON'T MISS THIS Planner of well-thought-out Evernote templates that will finally show you in "easy-to-understand-directions" how to become an avid journaler, productive, and confidently accomplish anything: at Home, Family, Self Care, Business, and the things that matter to you.
My coaching model style will motivate you to be a successful journaler personally and professionally. And a growing success as a Podcaster.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this "Life-giving TIFFANY Workflow collection" with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful planner today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5983 Notes and 281 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size template (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
#prettyevernotetemplates: Your words inherit inspiration in an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee to never lose a letter
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues.
Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Thank you for your business.
Evernote Template "Ocean"
"Ocean" Evernote Template makes it easy to write down your thoughts, organize your day, and imagine you are at the beach.
With a free or paid Evernote app, simple to save and reuse your template
* Motivating graphics in warm sea greens and cool blues of the coast.
* Be inspired by famous quotes
* viaKwambach personal assist: I'll get you started with a few words
Together we can prime the pump of inspiration.
* 16 beautifully inspired columns and rows (easy to move around, use again and again)
* 5 special fonts with coordinating colors (copy and past "Ocean" template and ebb and flow for many days of journal notes)
* YouTube help videos available https://youtu.be/4VQbdNq_X40
Must have free of paid Evernote app, works on any device with windows or ios.
The instant download File includes:
PDF containing Live Links Evernote Template
16 rows/columns with Country Graphics
Inspiring quotes
5 specialty fonts and colors
Please Note: This is a DIGITAL PRODUCT. NO physical product will be shipped to you.
Due to the digital nature of the product, ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds or exchanges can be issued, please consider the product carefully before you place an order.
PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may NOT share, sell, alter or replicate these files. By purchasing this listing, you agree to my shop policies.
If you have any questions at all, PLEASE send me a message before you purchase!
viaKwambach, I am an avid journaler.
I have influenced the doubting Thomas who swore they would never use a digital device.
Now they do not know how they could live without the brilliance of their written words.
* Be inspired
* Learn to hear Creation and her Creator speak
* Remember the special family moments
* Celebrate your personal accomplishments
* Last year alone I penned/drew/doodled over 444 notes.
* Remembering begins with treasuring the moment!
So here I am, creating for you. Spreading my wings of sharing and teaching Evernote. Evernote is the best and time-tested note-taking app available. This is just the first of many I have to share. Thank you so much, I have enjoyed writing/drawing/creating with you in mind.
K Wambach
Thanks for stopping by!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Paper Flowers Evernote Template
Paper Flowers Evernote Template by viaKwambach, Beauty in expression, Digital Designs.
Who says productivity needs to be boring, and sterile.
viaKwambach has creatively designed templates to inspire your writing, planning, and note-taking.
Immediate Download.
Kristenwambach.com and view all Evernote Template designs.
Be inspired by famous quotes
viaKwambach personal assist: I'll get you started with a few words
Easy to let your words flow.
Enjoy the paper-like hues of watercolor floral borders
Sweet Fairy flowers tucked in here and there
Special fonts with coordinating colors (Paper Flowers Evernote Template, a bouquet at your fingertips)
YouTube help videos are available
Line by line instructions, with screenshots
Must have free or paid Evernote account/app, works on any device with windows or ios.
The instant download File includes:
*PDF containing Live Links Evernote Template
*Inspiring quotes
*Specialty fonts and colors
*Floral design you will love to use again and again
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity. With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date, Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches. 2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach. More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
#prettyevernotetemplates: Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty. Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
I'm Living Forward | Daily Journal Template
I'm Living Forward | Daily Journal Template
for Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Writers, & Social Media Marketers
And yes, this is for you, if you're just beginning to take action on your dreams.
a Journaling Life.....never miss an aha moment again!
Are you beginning or active on Social Media?
Do you desire to broaden your voice, with clients, and potential customers across a multi-industry business world?
From Entrepreneur to Artist,
Busy Mom to Corporate Executive,
Non-Profit to Marketing for the "More."
Is it time to bring daydreaming, note-taking, journaling, and organization to the next level?
This is Kristen's personal daily journal template! She builds, creates, communicates, and as she would say, makes it pretty, within this template, daily!
Her courses, templates, and coaching style are filled with bonuses. She is the real deal! Helping, supporting, and sharing the shoes she has walked in, with you!
Your book outline begins with journal notes.
Family, friends, education, and accounting.
Build strong people relationships: for your Brand, with your clients, customer, and students.
Get started today.
Utilize your device, computer, laptop, iPad, or phone to catch in one Productivity-App Template, every thought, inspiration, photo, and family/business record.
"I'm Living Forward" Supports the Technically Challenged!
You will successfully learn these techniques and stop wasting time scouring the internet for "FREE" tips that steal your time and fail to point you in the right direction. Put a Certified Evernote Expert experience at your fingertips.
Kristen Wambach is Established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
My courses:
will show you the nuts and bolts
help you fashion a strong-personalized master plan
with transformation support for the whole of you.
In this hand-holding mini Journaling eCourse style, you will discover and put powerful tools in your hand. Combine my 20-year journaling expertise and Evernote aficionado to teach you how to successfully utilize your
"I'm Living Forward " Daily Template.
From her personal marketing journal, glean the easy way to plan, record, and inspire your entrepreneurial dreams.
As Kristen says never lose a single inspiring thought!
My coaching style technique will guide you confidently from initial purchase, download, template save, customizable links, and the delight of journaling.
An easy-to-learn solution: to record, and maintain personal & business interaction in this Social Media Buzz world.
You, Will, Receive
Customizable Daily Journal Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts, PDF Template {Portrait & Landscape} for Notability and GoodNotes apps)
15 Header png files & customizable Canva Link
6 Logo png files & customizable Canva link
Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote|Notibility|GoodNotes
2 Tutorial Video with hands-on Template activation and instruction (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
Bonus mini Course: a Journaling Life (registration required)
Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
Bonus Oceans Journal Template (a customer favorite)
Provided within this hands-on learning: mini eCourse templates, PDF, live links, screenshots, videos, and step-by-step examples to shape you into a successful journaling entrepreneur.
...and much, MUCH More!
The Bonuses alone: save you money, and time and advance you with valuable Coaching style tools. $19.99 is a steal to sit on the sidelines with Kristen.
·My dear friend, Kristen, is an avid journaler. She found a platform where she could multi-task and readily record and retrieve notes, thoughts, images, and encounters. The organization was important and Evernote, too, and it gave her a place to grow and expand. She intensely learned the program and began to recommend and share it with some friends. I am one of those who have benefited from her teaching and sharing her invaluable knowledge about Evernote. It has enhanced and enriched my life. Being able to have life recorded for remembering has been life-changing for me. I originally fought this whole idea of learning a new program but as she taught and guided I have found the knowledge life-enhancing. Thank you, Kristen.
S. Schoonover
An endorsement for Kristen Wambach
·I was on a leadership team with Kristen and we used Evernote as our journaling and note-taking application. She was masterful at getting us started with a solid foundation in the basics and then expanding into the more advanced features. She was very familiar with Evernote and all of its capabilities and was very creative at applying them. That made it easy for us to learn the advanced features because she could use examples of her work so we could see clearly the details of how to accomplish a given task. It didn't take us long to learn how comprehensive Evernote is and become adept at using it.
Dr. J. Bugni
You will successfully learn these techniques and stop wasting time scouring the internet for FREE tips. Kristen is a wealth of journal information.
Don't miss this well-thought-out template that will finally show you (hands-on) how to become an avid journaler and confidently communicate to the world your unique message.
My coaching-model-online class will train and motivate you to be a successful journaler personally and professionally.
Click Add to Cart to employ this strategic
"I'm Living Forward" Template with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful journaler entrepreneur today.
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
DAY AT A GLANCE | PLANNER | Evernote Template
DAY AT A GLANCE | PLANNER | Evernote Template
- Unique minimalist Evernote template designed to simplify.
- Design Attributes | Evernote Day at a Glance Planner, clean, organized, the perfect template to begin
- Indulge in Evernote Brilliance | “Get organized. Work smarter. Remember everything.”
The individual grows in organization and effectiveness.
You balance many hats throughout your day and need support to keep all your ducks in a row.
Can we give this person a round of applause, please!
- Customizable Daily Planner Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts, printable directly from your device.
- Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
- Tutorial Video (29:33 minutes) with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expert (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
- Bonus 4 graphic ping files
- Bonus PDF of template for print
- Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
DAY AT A GLANCE Supports the Technically Challenged!
- Self Care portals = Mediate Devotions, Exercise | Walk | Stretch, and the important hydrate checkbox.
- Morning & Afternoon schedule and call-outs (Coffee please)
- Especially list: to prioritize Today and this Weekend
- Intentionality & Good Planning | For me, For Other's | []email, []write, []gift []get together, []event.
- Shopping List: embedded with necessities first! Bouquet, coffee, chocolate & wine.
- Plan Menu and Hospitality
- Evening: read, watch, listen | outdoors, event | laundry, chores
- Fully Customizable to any device but purposes to her phone.
- Daily Snaps & Photo | Gateway
- Script Fonts | Pink aesthetics
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
- Plus iOS device instructions (widgets & templates
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES (Kristen is here to help you learn how)
VALUE: Save time and money
$1.99 is a drop in the hat when comes to the fulfillment this template will give you.
Karen Wittstien Reviewed: From start to finish, you feel like you purchased from a high-end brick-and-mortar store. Her presentation on her website, the customer Gift Bag, has no end to the detail of her products.
Kristen Wambach, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
JOURNAL Your PARIS | PLANNER | Evernote Template
Evernote Daily Planner Template | "JOURNAL Your PARIS"
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template designed for the individual who leads.
- Design Attributes | design in Black, White, and Grey the epitome of classic French.
- JOURNAL Your PARIS | for the modern, romantic, personalized to indulge you.
- The perfect "Daily, Weekend, or Visionary" template!
- Indulge in Evernote Brilliance | "Get organized. Work smarter. Remember everything."©
- I know exactly where my heart is... inlaid script and continuous writing journal lines.
dépaysement — the feeling of being in another country
She is her own boss! For the woman who surrounds herself with enterprise, dreams, focus, and crisp clear lines!
"JOURNAL Your PARIS" template, celebrates all her happy places.
Easy to imagine sitting in the side walk cafe: Le bonheur n'est pas quelque chose de prêt à l' emploi Il vient de vos propres actions. Happiness is not something that comes out of a box (ready to use).
It comes from your own actions.
Glean the easy way to plan, record, and inspire your dreams.
- 1 Customizable "JOURNAL Your PARIS" Planner Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts, printable directly from your device.
- Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
- Tutorial Video with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expert added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
- 9 Graphics included for seamless creativity
- Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
"JOURNAL Your PARIS" Template Supports the Technically Challenged!
Templates should speak to your creativity and generate beautiful productivity!
Browse through all viaKwambach stunning, practical, and efficiency-minded templates.
- Taskbar for Daily Routine
- Shopping List
- Self Care Portal
- Drink Water Reminder
- Retail Therapy Porch
- Call Ahead, appointments
- Menu Plan & Hospitality
- Family Schedule
- Vision Board Planner | Saturday Flow
- Photo | Social Media | Gateway
- Entryway touch to YouTube Music | to take you there, PARIS!
- at the end of the day, to capture the sun-setting on your thoughts
- Fully Customizable
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Some of our most dearly beloved quotes
- Clear instruction from an Evernote Master
- J'aime écrire mes pensées | I love to write my thoughts | Begin, continuous writing journal lines.
- a little French for atmosphere...
Always fun to recreate from history. I created the header graphic to mirror the historic reflection of the very first Daily News Paper in Paris.
Journal de Paris. Debut, April 8th, 1784. Photo included in sales carousel.
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs, and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES (Kristen is here to help you learn how)
VALUE: Save time and money
$4.35 for thoughts of Paris, imagine what you will create with this perfect Black & White organized template.
Kristen, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
My heart imagines Paris, Planner Template with a wealth of tools, and starts your journey towards a successful organization today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
There isn't a tool that any one of us possesses,
with more wisdom hidden inside than Journaling! —Kristen Wambach
Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
JOURNAL soft pink PARIS | PLANNER | Evernote Template
Evernote Daily Planner Template | JOURNAL soft pink PARIS
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template designed for the women who lead.
- Design Attributes | delicate vintage floral overlays
- The perfect "Daily, Weekend, or Visionary" template!
- Indulge in Evernote Brilliance | "Get organized. Work smarter. Remember everything."©
- I know exactly where my heart is... inlaid script and continuous writing journal lines.
dépaysement — the feeling of being in another country
She is her own boss! For the woman who surrounds herself with enterprise, dreams, focus, and plenty of Pink!
JOURNAL soft pink PARIS template, celebrates all her happy places.
Her eye is easily caught, because its colored in her heart: Le bonheur n'est pas quelque chose de prêt à l' emploi Il vient de vos propres actions.
Happiness is not something that comes out of a box (ready to use).
It comes from your own actions.
Glean the easy way to plan, record, and inspire your dreams.
- JOURNAL soft pink PARIS 1 Customizable Daily Planner Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts.
- Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
- Tutorial Video Welcome, with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expert with added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
- 15 Graphics included for seamless creativity (png. files, headers, background, emojis)
- Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
JOURNAL soft pink PARIS Template Supports the Technically Challenged!
Templates should speak to your creativity and generate beautiful productivity!
Browse through all viaKwambach stunning, practical, and efficiency-minded templates.
- Task bar Daily Routine
- Self Care four portals = Mediate Devotions, Exercise | Walk | Stretch, and the important hydrate checkbox.
- Delicious quotes that take you there: I only drink champagne on two occasions. When I am in love and when I am no. — Coco Chanel
- Il vaut mieux faire que dire. —Alfred de Musst | "Doing is better then saying."
- Rien ne vaut son chez-soi | There's no place like home...
- Menu/Grocery List: embedded with necessities first! Bouquet of flowers, coffee, chocolate & wine.
- Plan Menu's and Hospitality
- Schedule Calls
- Home goods and Retail Therapy Porch
- Pink Rosebud emojis
- Especially list: to prioritize Today and this Weekend
- Intentionality & Good Planning | For me, For Others | []email, []write, []gift []get together, []event.
- Enter your special thoughts: at the end of the Day... writing lines
- Saturday Flow
- Photo | Social Media| Gateway: Screenshots, Blog links, Podcast notations.
- Entryway touch to YouTube Music to remember | to take you there, ________
- Fully Customizable
- Script Fonts | Pink aesthetics
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
- and a little French for the atmosphere... Au Revoir!
Always fun to recreate from history. I created the header graphic to mirror the historic reflection of the very first Daily News Paper in Paris.
·Journal de Paris. Debut, April 8th, 1784. Photo included in sales carousel.
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs, and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES (Kristen is here to help you learn how)
*Capture Anything: Add more than text to your notes, including photos, files, and to-do lists.
*Keep it together: Create a personal space for all your most important ideas and information.
* Find it Fast: Get the right note, right away with powerful search and keyword tags.
*Take it Anywhere: Sync your notes to all your devices so they stay with you, even if you're offline.
Your words inspired within an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee you'll never lose a letter!
Get started today
Utilize your device, computer, laptop, iPad, or phone and organize in Evernote-Productivity-App this Best Seller Bundle of Templates, every thought, inspiration, photo, and family/business record.
Never miss an aha moment again!
Build strong people relationships: at home, for your Brand, with your clients, customer, and students.
VALUE: Save time and money
$4.35 for a piece of artwork, when comes to "celebrating Pink & Paris" this organized template will give you.
Karen Wittstien Reviewed: From start to finish, you feel like you purchased from a high-end brick-and-mortar store. Her presentation on her website, the customer Gift Bag, has no end to the detail of her products.
Kristen, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
My products:
- Will show you the nuts and bolts to save and re-use your planner template.
- Help you fashion a strong-personalized master plan
- You will successfully learn these techniques and stop wasting time scouring the internet for "FREE" ideas that steal your time and fail to point you in the right direction.
- Evernote Newbies: You are making a brilliant choice, I'll help you start your account.
DON'T MISS THIS well-thought-out Evernote JOURNAL soft pink PARIS template that will finally show you in "easy-to-understand-directions" how to become an avid journaler, productive, and confidently accomplish anything: at Home, Family, Self Care, Business, and the things that matter to you.
My coaching model style will motivate you to be a successful journaler personally and professionally.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
My heart imagines Paris, Planner Template with a wealth of tools, and start your journey towards a successful organization today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
As Kristen says never lose a single inspiring thought!
My coaching style technique will guide you confidently from initial purchase, download, template save, customizable ideas, and the delight of journaling.
An easy-to-learn solution: to record, and maintain personal & business interaction in this Social Media Buzz world.
Build strong people relationships: at home, for your Brand, with your clients, customer, and students.
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Vintage Blue·Birds | PLANNER | Evernote Template
Vintage Blue·Birds| Planner template,
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template designed for women who are led by the heart.
- Design Attributes | delicate vintage blue and white appliqué background
- Indulge in Evernote Brilliance | “Get organized. Work smarter. Remember everything.”
- Entry Level design ready to blossom your skills
The woman who sees herself: arranging her life, surrounded by beauty. Her enduring touch is poetic in words and nostalgic in the garden. Her eye is easily caught, by nature.
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. —Jane Austen
Vintage Blue·Birds template, celebrates all her happy places.
The perfect "Daily, Weekend, or Visionary" template!
Glean the easy way to plan, record, and inspire your dreams.
- Vintage Blue·Birds Template 1 Customizable Daily Planner Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts.
- Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
- Tutorial Video Welcome, with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expertadded Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
- 18 Graphics included for seamless creativity (png. files, headers, background, emojis)
- Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
VINTAGE BLUE·BIRDS Template Supports the Technically Challenged!
Templates should speak to your creativity and generate beautiful productivity!
Browse through all viaKwambach stunning, practical, and efficiency-minded templates.
Before you thought of spring.
Except as a surmise,
You see God bless his suddenness,
A fellow in the skies
Of independent hues,
A little weather-worn
Inspiring habitliments,
of indigo and brown. —Emily Dickinson
- Taskbar Daily Routine
- Poems by: Emily Dickinson
- Quotes: Jane Austen
- Self Care four portals = Read, Mediate Devotions, Exercise | Walk | Stretch
- Menu/Grocery List: embedded with necessities first! Bouquet of flowers, coffee, chocolate & wine.
- Plan Menu's
- Schedule Calls
- Hydration reminder
- Home-goods, Store | Sales | Coupons
- Hardware, Nursery, Hospitality | Stationery
- Flower-box of 3 delightful Graphics for Gardening Schedule and must-do planner
- Especially list: to prioritize Today and this Weekend
- Intentionality & Good Planning | For me, For Others | [ ]email, [ ]write, [ ]gift [ ]get together, [ ]event.
- Enter your special thoughts: at the end of the Day... writing lines
- Saturday Flow
- Photo | Social Media| Gateway: Screenshots, Blog links, Podcast notations, Pinterest ideas
- Entryway touch to YouTube Music to remember | to take you there, ________
- Fully Customizable
- Script Fonts | Soft Blue aesthetics
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
- and a little French for the atmosphere... Au Revoir!
Retrouvailles —the happiness of seeing someone again after a long time
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs, and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES (Kristen is here to help you learn how)
VALUE: Save time and money
$4.35 for a piece of artwork, when comes to the "bringing together"
this template will give you.
Karen Wittstien Reviewed: From start to finish, you feel like you purchased from a high-end brick-and-mortar store. Her presentation on her website, the customer Gift Bag, has no end to the detail of her products.
Kristen, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
Nostalgic Planner Template with a wealth of tools and start your journey towards a successful organization today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
DAY AT A GLANCE "Phone" | DAILY PLANNER | Evernote Template
Day at a GLANCE Evernote "Smart Phone" Planner Template
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template designed for women on the go.
- Design Attributes | Evernote Day at a Glance "Phone Daily Planner" with a little pink
- Indulge in Evernote Brilliance | “Get organized. Work smarter. Remember everything.”
The woman whose phone is a key to freedom and connectivity: she surrounds herself with enterprise, dreams, focus, and a little Pink! She needs Evernote App and adaptability to support and keep her abreast with work and creativity with dreams. And if it's FUN? PERFECT!
- Customizable Daily Planner Template (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts.
- Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
- Tutorial Video with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expert added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
- 18 Graphics
- Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
"DAY AT A GLANCE "Phone" Supports the Technically Challenged!
- Self Care portals = Mediate Devotions, Exercise | Walk | Stretch, and the important hydrate checkbox.
- Morning & Afternoon schedule and call-outs (Coffee please)
- Especially list: to prioritize Today and this Weekend
- Intentionality & Good Planning | For me, For Others | []email, []write, []gift []get together, []event.
- Shopping List: embedded with necessities first! Bouquet, coffee, chocolate & wine.
- Plan Menu and Hospitality
- Evening: read, watch, listen | outdoors, event | laundry, chores
- Fully Customizable to any device but purposes to her phone.
- Daily Snaps & Photo | Gateway
- Script Fonts | Pink aesthetics
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
- Plus iOS device instructions (widgets & templates
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs, and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES (Kristen is here to help you learn how)
Your words inspired within an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee you'll never lose a letter!
VALUE: Save time and money
$2.99 is a song & a smile when comes to the peace of mind this template will give you.
Karen Wittstien Reviewed: From start to finish, you feel like you purchased from a high-end brick-and-mortar store. Her presentation on her website, the customer Gift Bag, has no end to the detail of her products.
Kristen Wambach, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!) Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
DON'T MISS THIS well-thought-out Evernote template "phone size perfection" that will finally show you in "easy-to-understand-directions" how to become an avid journaler, productive, and confidently accomplish anything: at Home, Family, Self Care, Business, and the things that matter to you.
My coaching model style will motivate you to be a successful journaler personally and professionally.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
On the Go, Planner Template with a wealth of tools and start your journey towards a successful organization today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (Evernote app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template is tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
Your words are inspired by an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee I'll never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Evernote | Best Seller Bundle | planner templates
Your words are powerful, they can touch us, and make us smile, laugh or cry.
That is why having positive thoughts and a feeling of gratitude is wonderful for our overall well-being, and it goes much deeper than most people realize.
Just know that you do have control over your thoughts even in the hardest circumstances.
A daily plan, written, nurtures them to get you the results you want.
“An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.” —Dale Carnegie.
imagine what's inside this "BUNDLE" for you!
I guarantee, “one well-used daily planner can change your life.” —viaK
and you may not know this about me, viaK......
I'd start with the PINK.......Journal soft pink PARIS
·Day at a GLANCE | Best first Evernote Template, minimalist style
·Vintage Blue Birds | Best Overall template, Daily and Garden
·Journal soft pink PARIS | Best just-for-me! Creativity, Template
*You are invited to view individual listings description for benefits, support areas, and graphics.
The collection a fantastic, money-saving template supply you will enjoy for years.
*Best Seller collection attributes from her two stores: Etsy viaKwambach, kristenwambach.com
·3 Customizable Daily Planner Templates (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts, Day at a GLANCE is printable directly from your device.
·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
·Individual Tutorial Video from a Certified Evernote Expert with hands-on Template activation and instruction (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
·Bonus 37 graphic ping files
·Bonus Day at a GLANCE PDF of the template for print
· Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
"Best Seller Bundle" Supports the Technically Challenged!
“Get organized.
Work smarter.
Remember everything.” EVERNOTE
Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs, and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it. —FORBES
(Kristen is here to help you learn how)
Utilize your device, computer, laptop, iPad, or phone and organize in Evernote-Productivity-App this Best Seller Bundle of Templates, every thought, inspiration, photo, and family/business record.
VALUE: Save time and money
Regular Price $10.69 (3 templates)
You Save $2.70
Kristen, established with years of experience. (I never preach what I haven't experienced and put it into practice!)
Authored to support anyone, no matter what leg of the dream journey you are on.
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
"Best Seller Bundle" Planner Template collection with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful journaler today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
#prettyevernotetemplates: Your words inherit inspiration in an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee to never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Evernote | Annual Planner templates | Autumn Muse
Evernote | Annual Planner templates | Autumn Muse
·Autumn Muse | Daily Template, For the LOVE of all things Autumn; comprehensive to enjoy organization and journaling day to day
·Autumn Muse | Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual templates to view your entire year
·Autumn Muse | Printable Notepad & Sticker Page
·Autumn Muse | Gratitude Journal, Self-Care & Mood Tracker Planner
Autumn Muse collection is a "Change of Season", time & money-saving planner
supply you will enjoy for years.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
·9 Customizable Templates (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts,
·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
·Individual Tutorial Video by a Certified Evernote Expert) with hands-on Template activation and instruction (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
·In Evernote language; you download a fully functioning "Notebook" one-touch-link via enex file sent to your email. It's that easy! Kristen shows you!
·Bonus 29+ graphic ping files (Sticker Page)
·Bonus Let's Do This Notepad (printable)
·Bonus Templates Self-Care & Mood Tracker Log
·Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
Autumn Muse Planner Supports the Technically Challenged!
Your words inspired an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee you'll never lose a letter!
- For the woman who surrounds herself with enterprise, dreams, and focus, and loves a good book by the fire!
- Created for the classic romantic. She loves pumpkins in all colors, the brilliance of changing leaves, and breathes deep the cool air, as the sun holds fast against the brisk change of seasons.
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template design for the woman who loves & leads
- Daily template features an Autumn poem by William Shakespeare
- Design Attributes | hued tones with vintage lace overlays
- Inlaid script and continuous writing journal lines
- Day, Date= Annual View
- Taskbar Daily Routine
- Self Care four portals = Read, Mediate Devotions, Exercise | Walk | Stretch
- Mood tracker - thought inspiring
- Menu/Grocery List: embedded with necessities first! Bouquet of flowers, coffee, chocolate & wine.
- Plan Menu's
- Schedule Calls
- Hydration reminder
- Home-goods, Store | Sales | Coupons
- Hardware, Nursery, Hospitality | Stationery
- Flower-box of 3 delightful Graphics for Gardening Schedule and must-do planner
- Romantic Fall stickers
- Especially list: to prioritize Today and this Weekend
- Intentionality & Good Planning | For me, For Other's | [ ]email, [ ]write, [ ]gift [ ]get together, [ ]event.
- Enter your special thoughts: at the end of the Day... writing-lines
- Saturday Flow
- Photo | Social Media| Gateway: Screenshots, Blog links, Podcast notations, Pinterest ideas
- Entryway touch to YouTube Music to remember | to take you there, ________
- Fully Customizable
- Script Fonts | Soft Earth tone aesthetics
- Use daily or revel as a personal reward at the end of a busy week
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
- and a little French for the atmosphere... Au Revir!
Retrouvailles —the happiness of seeing someone again after a long time
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
"Autumn Muse" Planner Template collection with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful journaler today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 5205 Notes and 200 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size template (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
#prettyevernotetemplates: Your words inherit inspiration in an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee to never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Evernote | Podcast Planner | Minimalist - Ai Transcripts
Your story is the most important content of your podcast
The organization keeps distractions in check!
Evernote | Podcast Planner | Minimalist
·Podcast Planner | Publish episode Template, comprehensive with annual organization
·Podcast Planner | Daily, Weekly, Monthly,& Annual templates to view your entire year
·Podcast Planner | Printable Notepad & Sticker Page
·Inspire workflow YouTube Video
As podcasters, we all will hit some bumps in the road. The consistent layout of your content steamrolls a majority of them. Your creative momentum will thank you for this planner.
Evernote Minimalist Podcast Complete Planner is an "outspoken note", the value of time & money-saving planner ready to serve you for years.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
·13 Customizable Templates (Applicable for Evernote paid & free accounts)
·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
·Individual Tutorial Video (30 minutes of instruction) with hands-on Template activation and instruction by a Certified Evernote Expert and Avid Podcaster with 178 Episodes published!
New addition
·Short-Form Episode Planner
·Evernote Ai, Transcriptions and Podcast helps
·In Evernote language; you download a fully functioning "Notebook" one-touch-link via ENEX file sent to your email. It's that easy! Kristen shows you!
·Bonus 11 graphic ping files (Sticker Page)
·Bonus Let's Do This Notepad (printable)
·Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
·Bonus: Advanced Episode Planner
Podcast Planner Supports the Technically Challenged and Evernote Newbie!
*Capture Anything: Add more than text to your notes, including photos, files,s and to-do lists.
*Keep it together: Create a personal space for all your most important ideas and information.
*Find it Fast: Get the right note, right away with powerful search and keyword tags.
*Take it Anywhere: Sync your notes to all your devices so they stay with you, even if you're offline.
·For the Podcaster who has a voice & message to share, efficiently!
·Created with Evernote Brilliance from an Evernote Expert
·Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote template designed to support the podcaster
·Inspirational Broadcasting Quotes
·Design Attributes | clean, crisp overlays
·Inlaid script and continuous writing journal lines
·Day, Date= Annual View
·Task bar Daily Routine
·Schedule Calls
·Planner stickers Page
·Saturday Flow
·Photo | Social Media| Gateway: Screenshots, Blog links, Podcast notations,
·Fully Customizable
·Fonts | Minimalist red, black, white, aesthetics
· Entry-Level Design
·Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
129 Check off-list to publish the episode (editable)
Rename media files and files in the main folder
Title | Create | Write
Make episode computer file folder
Make episode graphics | logo size for a podcast hosting site, and personal webpage
Guest sharing approval of public accounts, resources, and links.
Advertise guest appearance
Gather guest resources & web links
Gather episode highlights | Today's takeaways for episode description
Prepare: write a welcome
Product announcement
Gather live links for episode description
Glass of water
Box of Kleenex
Clear browser cookies, and close open browsers to increase speed for recording.
Powder nose, use facilities
Open recording applications
Device check: mic, theater lights, camera, and backgrounds prior to the record
Hang, do not Disturb sign on the studio door
Notify in-house people of recording in the process
Silence devices
Record | Save | Finish
Edit episode
Add episode graphic
Add advertising segments
Add episode tags
Publish episode
Send episode files to guest
Add episode graphic to the home webpage (podcast)
Add episode link to a graphic
Add the episode Link to the podcast directory
Rename media files and files in the main folder
Download MP3 media file for social media content
Zoom download in files
Rename zoom files
Add episode audio to (Canva) graphic design app for creating episode story
Create stories/reels/ resize for videos and all applications
Publish marketing "short" YouTube
Transcribe episode notes PDF (attach to media content)
Broadcast to social media
Patreon accounts to add new posts (Episode Notes, View links, Early releases)
Publish social media accounts (hashtags and guest links)
Instagram stories
Instagram private accounts (adjust graphic)
Post on Facebook
Tik Tok
Email list, email notification new episode with links
Answer social media comments and questions
Plus New Updated Editing, Affiliate, and Marketing Sections
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this strategic
"Podcast" Planner Template collection with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful journaler today.
Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 7332 Notes and 443 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and a life coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size template (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
#prettyevernotetemplates: Your words inherit inspiration in an atmosphere of beauty.
Evernote helps guarantee to never lose a letter!
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts. Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac. Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2024 by viaKenterprises, KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.
Evernote Digital Event Planner | Thanksgiving - Christmas Sugar Plum Fairy
Evernote Digital Even Planner | Thanksgiving - Christmas, Sugar Plum Fairy
The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration with family and friends. However, it can also be a stressful time with so much to plan and organize. Luckily, there's a solution to help you find your Christmas productivity-happy place: the Evernote Christmas Planner.
With 83 templates, this planner is guaranteed to help you create and set goals, keep your holiday plans in perfect order, and remember every bow and tag to unwrap a glorious season. From tree to table, kitchen to hearth, you'll be able to touch the hearts of your loved ones with ease.
Using the Evernote Christmas Planner will not only give you the gift of peace of mind but also save you time and money. You can access it from any device you use, making it easy to stay organized on the go. Plus, with more money saved, you'll be able to put a little more jingle towards what really matters to you this holiday season.
So, if you want to make the most out of your Christmas season, give the Evernote Christmas Planner a try and find your productivity-happy place. And who knows, with all the extra time and money you save, you may just attract the Sugar Plum Fairy herself!
·Christmas Planner: Sugar Plum Fairy dances magically with beautifully designed graphics and thoughtful assistance on every page.
·An exquisitely wrapped gift for you!
·Christmas Planner | the brilliance of Bullet Journaling | plus tutorial
·Christmas Planner | Daily, Weekly, and Monthly templates to view your holiday season
·Printable notepad, cards, poster & sticker pages in each notebook
·Seasonal Quotes & Affirmations cheerfully tucked amongst the pages
·Personalization links (Canva) Recipe Box & Hospitality
·Kristen's Productivity Secrets; getting you where want to go quickly
·Evernote Helps, cues from Certified Evernote Expert
·YouTube Full video: Evernote Christmas Planner Sugar Plum Fairy a ballet of productivity.
Evernote Christmas Planner: Sugar Plum Fairy, a comprehensive organizer, "Nutcrackers dream", the value of time & money-saving digital engagement book ready to serve you for years.
Find your Christmas productivity happy place!
a Note on what you receive: a common customer concern is being overwhelmed by the massive amount of notes/templates.
I'd like to address that with a thought: If you purchase a paper planner/book from the store, how many pages would you expect inside?
84 "notes" of articulate planning/doing/reviewing progress etc. And it's reusable! I call that environment-friendly. Don't let the digital frighten you away from the logical. Imagine a kindle book ready for you to engage and write your own story!
Now you can see the genius magnitude of more...
·84 Sugar Plum Fairy Themed Customizable Templates (Applicable for: Evernote paid & free accounts,
·Individual Tutorial PDF with screenshots: Applicable for Evernote.
·Individual Tutorial Video (30+ minutes of instruction) with hands-on Template activation and instruction (added Coaching and inspirational style from Kristen's years of personal journaling)
·Fast track link for those versed in Evernote
·In Evernote language; you download 11 fully functioning "Notebooks" one-touch-link via ENEX file. It's that easy! Kristen shows you!
·Bonus Day at a GLANCE Christmas (phone template)
·Bonus Let's Do This Notepad (printable)
·Bonus 1 viaKwambach signature flourish
·Evernote Christmas Planner: Sugar Plum Fairy, Supports the Technically Challenged and Evernote Newbie!
- Because Christmas is our favorite time of the year, share it efficiently!
- Created with Evernote Brilliance from an Evernote Expert
- Unique one-of-a-kind Evernote templates designed to support every room, person, or gathering that Christmas touches.
- Design Attributes | captivating headers, color-coordinated notebooks & notes
- Inlaid script and continuous writing journal lines
- Day, Date= organize it all from Overview
- Taskbar Daily Routine
- Schedule Calls, make appointments
- Grocery List to copy-paste, print, or read from your phone
- Planner stickers Page
- Saturday Flow
- Photo | Social Media| Gateway: Screenshots, Blog links, Pinterest notations,
- Fully Customizable
- Fonts | handwritten, script, festive slipper-pinks, and garland evergreens aesthetics
- Entry Level Design
- Clear Instruction from an Evernote Master
11 Notebooks & 84 templates (editable)
- Overview
- Getting Organized Key
- Christmas Goals
- My Daily Planner
- Weekly View
- 3 Months Out Planner
- October Monthly Planner
- November Monthly Planner
- December Monthly Planner
- Christmas Budget
- Travel Plans
- Sticker Page
- Helps Key
- Gratitude Journal
- Self=Care Checklist
- Note Pad (Printable)
- Sticker Page
- Gifts Key
- Wish List Hers
- Wish List His
- Wish List Girl
- Wish List Boy
- Gift List Master
- Wrapping Checklist
- PDF Name tags
- Sticker Page
- Christmas Cards & Portraits Key
- Christmas Card List
- Christmas Cards Received
- Portraits
- Christmas Photo's
- Sticker Page
- Decorations & Craft Key
- Crafts
- Tree | Trees | Room
- Ornament Journal
- Sticker Page
- Christmas Kitchen Key
- Holiday Recipe List
- Recipe Box Bullet Journal
- Recipe Card {Personalized}
- Sugar Cookie viaKwambach
- Annette Labbe's Fantasia Dore viaKwambach
- Butterscotch Gingerbread Cookies viaKwambach
- Christmas Menu
- Grocery List
- Christmas Party Plan
- Sticker Page
- Christmas Traditions Key
- Christmas Games
- Advent calendar
- Christmas Day & Eve Calendar
- Christmas Wedding & Anniversary
- Mr. & Mrs. 1st Christmas
- Christmas Birthday
- Babies First Christmas
- Military Homecoming
- Christmas Memories
- Church Family
- Community Events
- Sticker Page
- Hospitality Key
- Party Guest List
- Thank You Cards (downloadable)
- Table Set Up & Decor
- Invitations (downloadable)
- Party Poster {personalized}
- Sticker Page
- Holiday Clothing Closet Key
- Christmas Costumes
- Sticker Page
- Extra's Key
- Day at a GLANCE template (phone planner)
- Device Wallpaper (3 wallpapers to choose from)
- Monthly Planner Master
- Wish List Master
- Recipe Card Master {personalized}
- Advent Calendar
- Birthday & Anniversary Master
- Tree or Room Master
- Monthly Christmas Master
- Weekly View-Master
- Category Master
- Christmas Day & Eve Calendar Master
- Sticker Page
CLICK ADD TO CART to save money and employ this magical
"Christmas" Planner Template collection with a wealth of tools and start your journey as a successful journaler today.
Find your #PRETTY-productivity happy place!
Since 2009 Evernote has digitalized my 20+ years of journaling and productivity.
With 7065 Notes and 409 Notebooks to date,
Evernote has brilliantly supported all my creative outreaches.
2 businesses, 2 Non-Profits, a Home, a family, an author, a podcaster, and Life-coach.
More Reviews are available at kristenwambach.com
My templates are Evernote-specific.
One size template (app) does not fit all!!!
Each "Beautiful" template was tested by thoughtful experience and shared with my students and clients.
TEMPLATE DISCLOSURES: Testimonials contained here do not represent all client’s typical experiences. Results are dependent upon effort & application, sometimes beyond our control. Kristen Wambach teaches skills and insight drawn from her 20 years of experience. There are no guarantees of earnings. Results may vary. *some features are not available in Evernote Free accounts.
Transference of Evernote Notebooks via ENEX files must be completed on Windows or Mac.
Full and easy video instruction is included. After transferring: All Evernote templates are applicable for use on all devices.
The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of KristenWambach.com & viaKwambach designs. Artwork and templates are for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial purposes and licensing.
Copyright ©2023 by KristenWambach.com, viaKwambach designs, RabbitrailSupply.com
All rights reserved.
EVERNOTE is a registered trademark
The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations, or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions.
viaKwambach is not responsible for technical difficulties with applicable software or account issues. Coaching charges will occur after excessive attempts to educate an individual about Evernote as an application.
Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law.
If you do have any issues with your download or your file, please reach out to me.